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Trademark Enforcement

We track your trademarks, in the U.S. and worldwide, using cutting-edge search technology, to ensure that if an unauthorized third party files a trademark application for your trademarks, or has existing applications or registrations for your trademarks, we discover it promptly and work with counsel around the world to remove them from trademark registers.


In addition to keeping close watch of trademark registers, we also review e-commerce websites, social media platforms and other locations on the Internet to ensure that third parties are not making unauthorized use of your trademarks. If we find that your trademarks are being used without authorization, we use all available tools to stop their infringement.

We Provide the Following Trademark Enforcement Services:
  • Cease-and-Desist Letters

  • Take-Down Notices on E-commerce/Social Media Websites

  • Track and Remove Counterfeit Goods

  • Watch U.S. and International Trademark Registers

  • Conduct Internet Surveillance to Discover, Track and Remove Unauthorized Uses of IP

  • Negotiate Settlements with Third Parties



Fashion & E-Commerce







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